25 Jun 2015

Happy Summer!

To those of you who passed, congrats!
To those of who didn't, there's plenty you can do to keep practising.

  • First of all, try some of these links here

There you can find exercises to practise listening, reading, writing & speaking.

  • You can practise your monologue by choosing a topic and preparing some notes in 10 minutes and then speaking and recording it. You listen to your presentation and try to see what sounds good and what needs improvement. 

It's important to be organised: Introduction, ideas and conclusion. Use varied language and structures/tenses. Try not to repeat yourself. Try to give each point the same weight. Look up the pronunciation of words you're not sure about. You can listen to them on sites like www.thefreedictionary.com

  • To practise the dialogue, why not meet a class mate or even skype if you can't make it in person?

  • To improve your writing, you can try some of the Useful links in this blog or try Successful Writing by Virginia Evans, Express Publishing. There are different levels. Try the Upper-Intermediate one. 
  • To improve your listening, try some of the Useful links in this blog or some podcasts from 

    BBC World Service or  BBC Radio 4, for example.